Building a better world… one student at a time.
The Cutten School District, in partnership with our community, provides students with the academic and social skills necessary to become contributing members of a global community. We accomplish our mission by creating a joyful, student-centered, and consistent learning environment rich in the arts and sciences, where everyone knows they are respected members of the Cutten-Ridgewood family.
Cutten (3rd-6th Grade) Regular Schedule
Early out every Wednesday
Ridgewood (KN-2nd Grade) Regular Schedule
Early out every Wednesday
Ridgewood TK Regular Schedule
8:15-1:00 (ASP for TK 1:00-2:00)
District Bus Schedules

USDA Update
On May 5, 2022, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Civil Rights Division, issued policy memorandum CRD 01-2022. The memorandum updates the nondiscrimination statement to include gender identity and sexual orientation as part of the protected class of sex. The changes impact the USDA Nondiscrimination Statement (NDS) and the And Justice for All (AJFA) posters. An updated nondiscrimination statement can be found on the USDA Civil Rights NDS webpage.